Dear Los Angeles Times readers,
Thank you for taking the time to write in, call in and otherwise voice your support as we continue to bargain our first-ever union contract. We were overwhelmed by the flood of kind, supportive, positive messages.
These kinds of negotiations can take a while, particularly for a first contract, which sets the foundation for everything we will work toward in the future.
Your support went a long way toward boosting morale and determination among the journalists of The Times we enter our 14th month at the bargaining table. Thank you.
Here’s a sample of the messages we received.
Digital postcards

Twitter explains why #WeLoveTheLAT
“After I moved to L.A. for school, I had no idea how to understand this incredibly complex city that I'd be calling home. The truly phenomenal reporting from the L.A. Times welcomed me and informed me, and for that I'm a proud subscriber.” —Ben Pearce
“At a time when journalism is under threat from every direction, the L.A. Times Guild fought to save their paper. I’m proud to stand with them as a reader and subscriber as they negotiate their first contract.” —@asmallteapot
“Became a subscriber to the L.A. Times this year because of their outstanding journalists AND because of the L.A. Times Guild’s work to secure a fair contract that ensures job security and a better quality of life for those journalists who put out incredible stories every day.” —Cristina
“If you value journalism and how it opens up your worldview, you must support your local paper, which is why I'm an L.A. Times subscriber. Thank you to all the writers and staff of the L.A. Times Guild who make my hometown paper great.” —Kacey Bonner
“The first thing I did moving to California in 2017 was get an L.A. Times subscription (well... after the smog check). We need these smart writers putting their words in the world.” —Jeanine Finn
“I love the L.A. Times because it helps me understand my city and state better than any other media. I love the L.A. Times Guild because it ensures good wages that hard-working reporters deserve. Quality begets quality. Thanks for investing in my favorite newspaper, @DrPatSoonShiong!” —Carmen Gonzalez
“Even after moving to the East Coast in March, I have maintained my subscription to the L.A. Times — there is no better newspaper, and their work on California immigration as a microcosm of the national conversation has been unmatched by any other media outlet.” —Austin Grogin
“I subscribed the day the L.A. Times Guild got recognized. So proud of the way the Times has turned around. Better morale under new ownership + strong union = better stories, national and local.” —R.L. Miller
“Subscribers support the fair and equitable treatment of journalists.” —Maria Bustillos
“It pains me to say it, having grown up in northern California, but you guys produce the best newspaper in the country.” —John McIsaac
“Journalists, photographers and staff are doing breathtaking work. Please provide the contract they so richly deserve. This moment in time requires deep reporting. Let these pros focus on their duty to inform the public. We need the L.A. Times. We support the L.A. Times Guild.” —Randy and Sterling
“I love that an immigrant owns the L.A. Times. Fair contract so they can focus on research and writing.” —@CaliForBeto1
“We need great journalism now more than ever. As the son of a newspaper reporter and union rep, I know the importance and power of guild representation in a workplace. I support the L.A. Times Guild.” —Gabriel Bucsko
“Years ago, the L.A. Times got me into journalism. Great to see the L.A. Times Guild fighting for the rights that the staff has long deserved.” —Jintak Han
“I'm a proud L.A. Times subscriber, and a proud union guy. I appreciate Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong investing in the Times, and I urge him to strike a fair deal with the phenomenal journalists who make the Times the world-class paper it is.” —Tom O’Connor
“I’m a proud L.A. Times subscriber. The resilient and dedicated journalist… deserve a fair contract for so many reasons. They’re accountable to their readership, actively evolving, and give me hope for the future of journalism.” —Erica Corder
“Proud subscriber here who very much SUPPORTS your right to a fair contract. Deeply appreciative of our amazing L.A. Times journos.” —Nick Zigler
“Proud L.A. Times subscriber. Always grateful for the hardworking reporters in the L.A. Times Guild who are creating the paper L.A. desperately needs right now.” —Shayla M.